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New Challenges for the Fund Management Indsutry

23 Sep 2020
Read: less than 1 minute

In Conversation with Gavin Lumsden, Citywire's Editor in Chief

Gavin Lumsden started his career as one of the first reporters at Investment Adviser back in 1994 and then joined The Times as a personal finance reporter in 1996. He joined Citywire in 2000 and is now the Editor in Chief winning many industry awards and building his reputation as a specialist in the fund industry covering funds and investment trusts, markets and personal finance sectors.

We are delighted to have Gavin as our guest for a live Q&A webinar where we will be discussing:

  • How has life for Gavin and the Citywire team changed since lockdown and now things are opening up how will this affect how they work and stories they want to cover?
  • What have been the main challenges brought on by Covid for the fund management industry and how well has the industry responded?
  • How has Gavin and his team addressed them? Who have been the winners and losers?
  • Has Covid changed the way Citywire operates and what is the best way to work with the team?
  • What is likely to be the main challenges of covering the fund management industry in the near future?
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