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Our biggest charitable challenge yet!

25 Apr 2021
Read: less than 1 minute

We plan to walk to New York – yep you read it right!

As a company we intend to walk 5567km with the aim of raising £5567 for our chosen charity The Felix Project.

Whichever way people like to get moving, whether it be cycling, walking, roller skating or cycling it will all count. We are inviting our friends, family and even pets to join in to clock up the mileage, as there is a lot of ground to cover by 31 August.

We are raising funds for the wonderful The Felix Project who are desperately in need of help distributing surplus food to those who are struggling in these difficult times. If we hit our fundraising target, the funds would mean the charity can rescue and redistribute enough surplus food to make an epic 33,958 meals, feeding those in our community who, for whatever reason, are struggling to feed themselves. Just £10 feeds 61 people!

If you would like to follow our progress then keep a close eye on our Twitter and LinkedIn channels for regular updates. You can also show your support and help motivate by donating at our Virgin Money Giving page.

Wish us luck! #lansonswalk2nyc


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