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We're a PRWeek UK 'agency to watch' in 2022

13 Jan 2022
Read: 4 min

Lansons recognised as one of PRWeek's Twelve 'Agencies to Watch' in 2022.

PRWeek Top 12 Agencies to watch

Pictured: Co-Founders, Clare Parsons and Tony Langham inducted into the PRWeek UK Hall of Fame, 2021.

Each year, PRWeek’s editors highlight the UK agencies predicted to have a strong impact on the industry for the year ahead. It goes without saying, we're delighted to be included in the prestigious list and we're excited for our next chapter, welcoming in new leadership under Gordon Tempest-Hay

"A strategic comms mainstay for more than 32 years, Lansons entered a new era at the end of 2021. Co-founder Tony Langham stepped down as chief executive after nearly three decades at the helm, to be replaced by former Teneo UK boss Gordon Tempest-Hay, who became a “significant” shareholder. Langham and fellow co-founder Clare Parsons – who were inducted into the PRWeek UK Hall of Fame in October – will spend the coming weeks and months adjusting to their new roles at London firm; Langham is now executive chair and Parsons non-executive director. How the agency, which is known for its enlightened workplace policies, evolves under the new leadership structure will be a key issue. Meanwhile, its New York business Lansons Intermarket also welcomed new leadership in 2021 with the appointment of former Prosek Partners managing director Josh Passman as chief executive. Passman succeeded the leadership team of founders the late Matt Zachowski (chief executive) and Martin Mosbacher (president)."

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